Friday, March 9, 2007

Lateral Thinking

I was into a training program this afternoon where I was introduced to new software development model called 'agile-scrum'. What interested me more than the scrum is the ability of the Americans to look beyond the obvious. The concept of scrum was actually borrowed from rugby where players from both teams huddle together to take control of the ball placed among them. (This would help each team to set goals and work towards them collectively)
The scrum methodology is helping the software development in a big way by introducing flexibility, accountability into it.

On the onset rugby and software development are poles apart. But people who introduced scrum to software development could map the best practices of one field into a diametrically opposite field. This requires lateral thinking breaded by creativity.
United States did not become a super power over night. It was innovation of the above kind that has enabled them to be one. What others see as a potential disaster is perceived as an opportunity by them. If that was not the case nobody would have ever dared to invade Iraq. This could only be possible through innovation. Then again you should have the courage to face the brunt, when your idea is perceived as puerile.
So next time, when you see a cricket match, do think beyond the obvious. Who knows one might invent a new methodology called ‘Power Play’. Lateral thinking helps